My Least Favorite Word

It’s something we all have, a least favorite word.  Something that makes you scrunch your nose up when you hear it.  Or makes your heart clinch a little bit.  Or maybe it’s a word that brings back bad memories.  My least favorite word is: turbulence.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “turbulence” as:

noun tur·bu·lence \ˈtər-byə-lən(t)s\

: sudden, violent movements of air or water

: a state of confusion, violence, or disorder

Both definitions make me hate this word.  I’ve flown all over the world.  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, all over….but I HATE FLYING!  It’s a control thing.  If I could fly the plane, I’d be a whole lot more comfortable.  But I can’t, so I’m stuck in a metal tube just waiting for that sudden, violent movement to take place and scare the be-jesus out of me.

I also don’t like being in a state of confusion.  While I have my adventurous moments, most of which revolve around food choices and shoe colors, I crave control of my destiny.  All of the decisions in my life have been made with the goal of creating a stable, comfortable and somewhat-predictable environment for my future.  I like to have a routine and I like to know what to expect.  I don’t think that’s particularly unusual, but I do think I take it to the extreme sometimes.  Resigning from your job enters you into a reality that is the definition of turbulent.  I’m not saying it’s necessarily bad or violent in this reality, but life has become more unclear.

All of this to say, it’s been a turbulent week!  And, as usual, I’ve found myself turning to cooking for comfort in these turbulent times.

I’ve had a number of nibbles on the job front this week!  Some more exciting than others, but hearing any kind of feedback is more than welcome!  Every interview helps. Every experience is a good experience that can be learned from.  I’ve done my best on each interview.  And I’m feeling more confident all the time.  But the unpredictability of it all can still make me quake like I’ve hit an air pocket flying over the Midwest.  And because of that, about 20 minutes before each phone call, I have the sudden and immediate urge to bake.  And to bake cookies, in particular.  Cookies are comfort.  Cookies are safe.  Cookies are not turbulent.  I know I can put the ingredients together and it will all work out.  Cookies keep me calm amidst the turbulence I feel when you don’t know what’s coming next.

Here are a few of my favorite cookies recipes, some are tried and true and other I can’t wait to get my Kitchen Aid on!  (P.S. – Can you tell I’m a Martha Stewart fan?)

Nutella Waffle Sandwich Cookies

Mocha Chip Meringues (Ok, ok, I know meringues aren’t technically cookies.  But to hell with it, sometimes life is about breaking rules.  Right?)

Oatmeal Lace Cookies (A really yummy non-chocolate option)

I’m DYING to try these Warm Chocolate Cookie Stuffed Soft Pretzels from Half Baked Harvest.  If someone beats me to it, share the details of how awesome they are!

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Maybe one of these will bring a little comfort to you during your next turbulent moment?  Who doesn’t want a sweet treat after a little uncertainty?


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